Monday, 23 June 2014

Rant alert!

I think this post will be more of a rant than an informative post about organisation. I apologize in advance if this does not interest you all.

I HATE CLEANING, it's so boring, like extremely boring but I LOVE the end result. The feeling I get knowing my house is clean and tidy is one of pride which makes me want to invite people over to socialize at our home.

Another obstacle I've come across is my roomy and boyfriend. He is just as messy as me and leaves things around everywhere. I think in the time I have started this project I have argued with him a million times about not washing the dishes, not rinsing the shower, not cleaning up after himself etc. I'm now convinced that he loves to get me riled up and is doing these things just to irritate me. His one and only chore is to wash up after meals. He leaves the dishes sitting for hours before he does them and lets them "air dry".

I suppose my rant today is really about me needing to persuade him to get on board with the cleaning routine and share with him my feelings about the whole situation.

I now declare this rant OVER!!

Again I apologize about this short uninformative post and the contents aren't too great either but I wanted to share my feelings on the whole experience.

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